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Principal's Welcome Message

Principal's Welcome Message


Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year! We are excited to see our campus filled with our students on July 31. In preparation for the school year, we have a few updates that will help us all transition to the new school year smoothly.

New students and families are encouraged to attend orientation on July 27 at 5:30pm in our gym. Students will get their schedules, receive basic information about our daily routines, and we will answer questions. After the orientation, from 6-7pm, all students are encouraged to attend open house to pick up schedules in the cafeteria and visit classrooms.

Students should arrive to DHS in the mornings between 7:40 and 8:10. Car riders should be dropped off at the Smith carline (across from the post office) and report to the cafeteria upon arrival. We begin reporting to classrooms at 8:15 each morning, after students have gone through the weapons detectors. It is very important that students arrive by 8:15 each morning so they can make it to class on time without tardies.

All student fees and parking passes will be handled after school starts. Student drivers are to park in the lot between the main campus and the academy campus for the first two weeks while these are handled. Students are reminded they may not leave for lunch or be in the parking lot between classes.

Dismissal begins at 3:30. Car riders should be picked up at the Smith parking lot (across from the post office). We do not have a car line - please pull into a parking space. Because we have no carline for pick up, you will find that we are able to clear this lot by 3:40 each day once everyone learns the routines. Please make sure you are on time for pick up.

School safety is a top priority. We will use our weapons detectors each morning and randomly around the campus throughout the day. We have adults in place to monitor throughout the day. We do not allow students to be signed out over the phone between 11:15-12:45 each day, and food deliveries are not accepted at all. Please make sure your child either brings lunch daily, or they can eat for free in our cafeteria for both breakfast and lunch. These procedures help us all work together to create a safe school environment. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

We do not have a required supply list as classes vary, so please bring your charged DCSD device, paper, and a pencil for the first day of school. Your teachers will give you specific lists for your classes if extra supplies are needed. If you would like to serve as a volunteer, we welcome and encourage you, so please reach out to me if you would like to complete the process to be an approved volunteer.

At DHS we believe in Falcon PRIDE: Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dependability, and Excellence. We look forward to a year of working together to help our students reach their full potential. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your family. Together we rise!


Cortney Gehrke, Principal